Message From chairman...

Prashant Gadakh Patil
Governing Body.

It gives me a great pleasure to extend a very warm welcome to the attractive campus of Yashwantrao Chavan College of Pharmacy, Ahmednagar. We, at this institute, have always been trying to help student to meet their goals by imparting quality education in various faculties. The student caring faculty members in every discipline are innovative in their teaching approach & expose the students to cutting edge thinking & hand on experiences.

I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunies that Yash Parivar is providing through its various academic pragrammes in a conducive environment to develop your career in future.

Our educational institutes have achieved an acclaimed academic excellence catering to the educational needs of student’s coming from different part s of state. Our teaching faculty includes highly qualified, experienced, dedicated & student caring teachers. The spectacular success achieved by our institute is mainly a creation of unusual foresight, exceptionally dynamic leadership & able guidance of the founder Honorable Shri. Yashwantrao Gadakh Patil.

We wish to make our institute great, be partner in our endeavor.

Governing Body.